The story behind my logo… long story short – I wanted to create something that wasn’t too specific. Something that hints baking, but isn’t specific to a cookie, croissant or cake. Whilst I was brainstorming I remembered that ‘butter’ was my first password for years. I don’t remember why. I guess I’ve always loved butter? Especially bread and butter. Anyway, my sister (graphic designer) was working on a project using Procreate so I decided to use it as a drawing board to brainstorm some ideas. I ended up playing around with it, was having fun with it and somehow ended up creating this block of butter. It was supposed to be a draft that I would pass on to my sister to enhance. But I really liked it just as it is. Not too polished. So yeah, sorry if this story was underwhelming. I also had this idea – when I open my own cafe, the sign will be this block of butter with the cafe name ‘cins’.
Anyway, let’s go make something with butter!